Well I figured out where my depression was coming from! Its… kinda… sad and probably not safe to talk about on the internet, but let’s just say I am happy to have discovered the reason. And now I am on a new mission. A mission to get out of the house I am living in and make it on my own. A mission to fight for my happiness. I am working full time right now. I come home exhausted, and I may start working a second job. But it will all be worth it with Allah swt by my side. He will be there for me every step of the way inshallah.

I don’t know what else to type. I typed up this suuuuper long post about everything that has been happening in my life lately. But I guess I am scared to post it. Do you think I could get my family in trouble? If I write about them? I mean, I am a grown adult now so I guess it is a little different.